#307: Are You an Exceptional Employee?

Are you an exceptional employee? Here are some simple questions to help you be the best employee you can be:

1) Are you professional? Do you keep your phone away? Are you on time to meetings? Do you dress appropriately? The best employees know how to keep things professional at all times.

2) Are you goal oriented? It is fine to be comfortable in your position but don't get content. Be thinking and planning ahead for where you want your career to go.

3) How are your communication skills? Outstanding employees are not only great at communicating, they are even better at listening.

4) How do you handle problems? Are you the one complaining about situations at work or are you the one solving the problem? Solutions are more important than pointing out the obvious problems.

5) How is your attitude? Keeping a sense of humor and positive attitude helps the best employees get along with all coworkers. A simple smile and asking, "How are you?" goes a long way.